



・「そうですね!( ̄◇ ̄;)」・・・!












































































































… “How can I make money?” …!

… “Yes, that’s right! (I’m a Polish…” …

I’ve heard that question so many times…

I’ve heard that story so many times.


So, I’ve been thinking about that question…


And the answer is…


It’s on the business’s income statement.


The calculation is simple.


Sales – Expenses (Cost of Sales – Administrative Expenses – Taxes – Other) = Profit


The denominator of profit is based on two points of view…


The first is sales.


The second is expenses (costs – administrative expenses – taxes – other)…


If sales are above cost, we make a profit.


But in reality, running a business is not that simple.


There is something more to be done. There is something else…



And I’m hearing this all the time.



…Repayment of debts to financial institutions that are not shown on the income statement…!


… .

Naturally, they have no cash on hand…

… Then the small business considers two options…!



The second way: Review expenses as much as possible.


Which of the two should we prioritize? …!


… I’d like to get some funding to take the sting out of this…!


In fact, a thorough review of expenses is our top priority.



Then, what steps to take for business improvement? …!



The only way is to thoroughly review expenses and generate high gross margin sales.


The only way to achieve sound management there is…!


This is how it will be. …!


(Sales – Expenses = Profit) – Debt repayment = Cash balance…


How can we keep and accumulate cash?


Retained earnings



I once asked someone…

… “How do I make money?” …!


And his answer was very simple.


“Don’t spend money.”

I see.

I see.

I see.

I see.

I see…

The business establishments that are able to do so are the ones that have achieved true management.


True management, that’s what we should do! …!


…….and the business establishments that have achieved this are the ones whose cash on hand is bringing in more cash…….






I’ve read about it in one of my books.


The rich get richer.

The rich get richer.

The poor get poorer and poorer.

Such an obvious principle.


Management for profit = “True Management”.



I am…! I have been thinking about management for small businesses in Okinawa to make a profit…!

